Fog Works has partnered with Datamall Chain Foundation (DMC Foundation), a not-for-profit blockchain foundation dedicated to building an efficient marketplace for decentralized storage. DMC Foundation has minted its own token, the Datamall Coin, or $DMC. $DMC is in the process of being listed on at least one major crypto exchange.
When you use Foggie Max, your Foggie Max will share idle storage capacity in exchange for $DMC rewards. You will then be able to exchange $DMC for US$, or you can use $DMC to underwrite other storage deals on the Foggie Network, exchange it for more storage in the Foggie Network if you want/need to, or accumulate it.
In the near future, you will be able to do many things with $DMC, including:
- Acquire Foggie Max apps
- Trade for off-site storage on the Foggie Network
- Use them for premium placement in Fog Drops, our decentralized digital asset marketplace
- Tip creators on Fog Drops
- Trade for digital assets on Fog Drops
- Accumulate them
- (Eventually) exchange them for fiat (e.g., US$) on a crypto exchange
To learn even more about the Datamall Coin, please visit the DMC Foundation’s website: