采集个人真实数据获得主网DMC 当您将公开的照片、视频、物联网设备和其他文件 上传到Foggie Max 时,可以获得DMC 奖励。
异地备份 配置自动异地备份到Foggie 网络中的其他Foggies,而不是集中的第三方云端
隐私保证 您不会知道您的备份存储在谁的Foggie Max 上。相反,其他Foggie Max 所有者也不会知 道他们的设备上存储了谁的数据。
Make your data disaster-proof
Cutting-edge data protection
Off-site backups Configure automatic off-site back-ups to other Foggies in the Foggie Network, not to a centralized, third-party cloud
Secure: all back-ups are fully encrypted
Guaranteed privacy You won’t know whose Foggie Max your back-ups are stored on. Conversely, other Foggie Max owners won’t know whose data is stored on their devices.